At this time of year as the pressure pot builds around the need to be happy and smiling and grateful, there are so many families who are struggling simply to be kind to each other at home. Behind closed doors.

Families who are stressed out and worried about:


School attendance



The daily grind


The future

The wider world

Staying together

Families who are battling anxiety, depression, emotional eating, social media addiction, excessive drinking, isolating themselves, retreating from difficult conversations, anger, frustration, OCD, jealousy, spending money, self-sabotaging, procrastinating, imposter syndrome

Families who are asking for help but are being told 

“your situation isn’t bad enough yet”

“you just need to chill out”

“others are worse off than you”

“just ignore the behaviour your kids are attention seeking, that’s all”

“its just a part of getting older”

“its just a mindset thing, you just need to try harder”

“go to the doctors and get some help”

“you should be grateful for what you have got”

“do you think you have ADHD or are you autistic”

“just google the answer”


As human beings we are wired for connection with others and when we are juggling so much and we just keep going, finding our tribe is essential.  But how can we find out tribe when we don’t know where to start or what we are looking for? We feel lonely and overwhelmed and hopeless. But on the outside everything looks shiny.

Finding a place where we feel seen heard and validated so that we can identify what we can do to help shift ourselves from avoiding divorce or separation to choosing to create a healthy family life is what we need.

I found this place when I discovered Caroline Strawson’s Narcissistic Trauma Informed Coaching Certification – it provided an opportunity to learn how to heal from my own lived experiences and help my family.  It provided a community of support to share my struggles and receive support guidance and understanding. I learnt tools and strategies that I have used to help me in my choice to create a healthy family life. And its working and continues to work and gives me the knowledge and strategies I need to face the challenges of life.

And now this is what I provide for my clients and my small facebook community “Brighter days”

I believe that with Trauma Informed coaching we can all shift from avoiding divorce or separation to choosing to create a healthy family life.

To have healthy boundaries

To have kindness at home

To learn how to heal from our lived experiences

To regulate our nervous systems

To understand what lies behind our triggers

To eat, sleep and live better

To learn how to connect with each other

To shift from the daily grind to thriving

Will it be easy. Sorry, no.  Will it be worth it? Yes.  Will it take time and effort? Yes.  Will it help your family? Yes. Will it help you? Yes. 

The key?

Working with me to help you find a place to start your journey in amongst the daily pressure pot. 

I believe you know the root to your challenges – you know yourself, what has happened to you, what you have tried already and you know your family better than anyone – what you don’t know yet is how to reframe what you know and look at it through a trauma informed lens. To look at life from a different perspective.   

Why is this important? It’s important because once you lift the blinkers of blame and shift the shame you are carrying, you can experience your life from a different perspective and as you learn to do this for yourself, you can model this for your family. And create a healthy family life.

Let’s get started shall we? What are you waiting for?

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